Use Email Strategically…Even in the Busy Season


It appears more often than not, brands get an urge to over-email when the busy season hits. We’ve all experienced our inboxes fill up quickly around this time. But sending too many emails can lead to the one message your team doesn't want to see: unsubscribe.

When your favorite brands start sending you four emails a day with the same message, it quickly becomes a turn off. It’s extremely important to use email strategically to avoid losing subscribers.

Before you hit send on any email, answer these questions:

  • If this is the only email I could send this person, is it the one I would send?

  • If this is the last email they get from my company, is it the right one?

These two questions are a good guide when the urge to over-email is high.

Make sure you have an email marketing plan in place this new year. Reach out to us, we’d love to help you create the perfect content strategy.

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