3 Ways to Use Interactive Content in Your Marketing


Interactive Content is a type of content that requires users to actively engage with it rather than passively consume it. Nowadays, readers are looking to get information through the most entertaining ways possible, whether it’s a fun interactive episode of Netflix’s Black Mirror or an animation video that educates viewers in a gamified way. 

Assessments, polls, interactive infographics, videos, and white papers can be created to deliver a more unique experience to audiences. With so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to create the right type of content for your audience. So we made it easy for you.

Here are three of our favorites:

1. Interactive Infographics

Infographics are an informative and easily digestible way to invite your audience to participate with your content. They transform information by introducing memorable and attention-grabbing graphics. The amount of text in an infographic can be limited, so it is crucial for it to act as a gateway to introduce the full story.

A great example of an interactive infographic is the World’s Biggest Data Breaches & Hacks. The infographic consists of a packed bubble chart with each bubble representing a company that experienced a data breach. Audiences interact by hovering over a bubble to show a short summary of the event. By clicking on a bubble, users are redirected to an article that tells the full story in detail.

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This type of content can give your audience better insight about your brand or processes in a more engaging and interactive way. These can be useful when you want to give a potential client an overview of your product without boring them with the black and white specifics on a piece of paper.

2. Polls and Surveys

Polls and surveys are a great market research tool. For example, you can create a Facebook or Instagram poll asking your audience what time of day they spend the most time online. Then, you can target your marketing communications to share only during that specific time period, showcasing your products and asking your followers their preferences.

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IKEA does a great job of using Instagram polls to generate customer feedback. In a poll they conducted, they showcased their product catalog and asked followers what they liked. With polls, your audience gets the opportunity to express their opinion quickly, and you get to better understand what they like or don’t like.

3. Interactive Video

Users are looking for content they can engage with and create a story. With interactive video, your audience is asked to respond to various cues and features. You can put them in control of the outcomes they’ll view or what they’ll learn as a result of watching. You can tailor the content for different audiences, generate leads and learn more about your audience. 

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A great use of interactive video is Will You Fit into Deloitte? The video is geared towards people who want to work at Deloitte. It’s created from the first-person point-of-view, which only heightens the feeling of interaction as one makes their way through their video journey and encounters different things and chooses how to handle them. 

This experience gives potential employees an idea of Deloitte’s core values and how they match them to have a better idea if Deloitte is really the right place for them! It gives the employer a personal way to connect with recruits, while also giving potential applicants a way to self-select out of the process if it’s not a good fit. Win-win.

We’re experts in content creation and have built incredible pieces of content for our clients. You could be next…reach out below!

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