3 Ways Video Can Impact Your Marketing Strategy

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In a world gone virtual, it is more important than ever to use video as a means to get your message across and keep your audience entertained. In fact, 85% of consumers want to see more video content from brands. Incorporating video into your marketing strategy is essential for the success of your campaign. 

We’ve compiled a list of 3 different types of videos you can incorporate into your marketing plan:

1. Host a Webinar. 

Use video to give your customers a sneak peek into your new product. Go live with experts to discuss important events or findings in your industry in real-time. The new technologies and tools available make it easier to customize your stream and engage with your audience. Sites like StreamYard make it easy to broadcast on your browser through social networks including LinkedIn Live and Twitch.

2. Influence Action.

Video is a great tool to encourage your audience to take action. You can pull at someone’s heart strings through video and elicit emotions in a way that text and images cannot. For example, sharing a video during Giving Tuesday that shows how donations impact others is a great way to encourage your audience to give back to their community.

Video has shown to increase conversions by 20-30% with a 2-3x higher click-through rate compared to text or images. Through video, your message will spread faster and the overall impact will be larger. 

3. Go BTS (behind the scenes).

Show your audience the faces behind your brand. Consumers want to connect with brands on a personal level and see the human behind the business. 

Humanizing your brand allows you to build authentic and long-lasting relationships with customers. Video is a great way to accomplish this by sharing the personalities and common interests of everyone working in the background.

Video is extremely important to your marketing strategy. We love helping clients create video content, and we’d love to help you! 

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