Ideal Customer Exercise

Traditional marketing methods encourage us to identify as many potential audiences as we can and then divide them into groups based on demographics, behaviors, etc. However, this can often lead to mixed messaging and confusing strategies that can dilute your brand's impact.

The Ideal Customer archetype serves as a guiding principle for everything you do in branding and gives your brand a singular customer to connect with. Use this worksheet to identify and sharpen your Ideal Customer's behavioral and attitudinal attributes to enhance your brand strategy.


The 3 Brand Questions

Dive deep into the identity of your brand by collecting ideas and insights from multiple resources that provoke meaningful conversations. Examine and utilize these three brand questions every brand must be able to answer and create your brand's story.


Find your path to Irrational Loyalty

Brand or be branded. Branding is at the heart of any business strategy and should never be thought of as optional. If you don't take control of your brand, you run the risk of someone else controlling it for you. In this exercise, you'll learn about our methodology proven to create marketing that sells.


Brand Values Pyramid

Branding is the practice of meeting the functional and emotional needs of your customers in their entirety. And in branding, we LOVE pyramids! According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, all humans must first solve for the lower levels of the pyramids before moving to the upper levels. Lower levels consist of the most basic human needs–food, water, shelter– and upper levels consist of loftier, more emotional needs–achievement, morality, creativity.


Brand Manifesto Mad-Lib Exercise

When you know exactly who your brand is, you're able to make the clear decisions needed to align your brand with relevant trends and like-minded customers. Declare your values and beliefs by opening up your intentions and developing an understanding of who your brand is with our MadLibs exercise