Top 5 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Top 5 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Sending a mass email can be nerve-wracking. You know you double-checked everything but you just can't help going back to check it again to make sure there aren't any typos or broken links.

Here are five common email marketing mistakes and tips on how you can ensure you’re sending out a high-quality email every single time.

  1. Boring subject lines

    Grab your audience's attention and stand out from inbox clutter with an engaging subject line. Keep it conversational, compelling, personal, and fun. Ask yourself "What would make me want to open this email?"

    Channel your audience, and think about what might cause them to want to learn more. It all starts with the subject line, so make it count.

  2. Misleading content

    Content is king. Now that you got your readers to open your email, it’s time to entice them with your content. Your email should be easy to skim and filled with engaging content.

    A good rule of thumb—before writing your email ask yourself these two questions:

    • What is the purpose of this email?

    • How are we providing value to our readers?

    Don't just send an email to send an email. Have a purpose, and provide value with strategic and relevant content.

  3. Forgetting about personalization

    Your readers don't want to read the exact same email that was sent to hundreds of other people. They want to feel special. Personalized emails are more likely to be opened and read. The customer experience is strengthened and solidified when readers feel like they're more than just another transaction.

    Email automation allows you to slice and dice your email list based on a whole host of criteria. Using these techniques, you'll be able to send more customized and relevant content to your subscribers. This will not only lead to more engagement, but it will also help you cultivate a deeper relationship with your customers.

  4. Non-existent CTA buttons

    One of the main purposes of email is to drive your subscribers to take action. Whether that’s to make a purchase, sign up for a webinar, or schedule a meeting. Email is a great tool to drive customer engagement. Make sure you have a call-to-action (CTA) and that it's easy to find.

    Use bright, bold colors and lettering, and incorporate your CTA as a button to make it stand out from the rest of the content. Feel free to use it multiple times within your email to make sure your readers don't miss it!

  5. Forgetting to check your analytics

    Analytics provides detailed information into the actions your audience takes. How many people opened an email? What day and time is best to get the highest open rates? What percentage of your readers are clicking your CTA button? Are they unsubscribing?

    When you review your analytics after each campaign, you are able to discover patterns. Every email list is a group unique from the next. You may think you know how best to engage with your subscribers, but until you dive into your analytics you're just guessing.

    If you need help putting these tips into action, reach out to one of our experts below.

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